Niezadowolenie pacjentów z efektów operacji usunięcia zaćmy i wymiany refrakcyjnej soczewki. Wygórowane oczekiwania czy błędy w postępowaniu lekarskim?
Centrum Mikrochirurgii Oka Laser w Warszawie
Uczelnia Łazarskiego w Warszawie
Data publikacji: 30-12-2023
Okulistyka 2023;(1):23-25
Technological progress and widespread staff education in lens surgery in recent years have shortened time of the surgery and improved clinical outcomes. The use of precise biometry and new surgical techniques allows cataract surgery and refractive lens exchange procedures to be performed in a predictable and safe manner. However, there are still people who are dissatisfied with the results of surgery. In an era when patients strive for continuous improvement in beauty and quality of life, their demands are constantly increasing, are often unrealistic, and can lead to confusion and disappointment. What are the causes of patient dissatisfaction? To what extent are excessive demands behind the disappointment, and to what extent are medical malpractice?